Garment Workers

Support Haiti Workers Among Uprising

For over one year, there have been ongoing uprisings across Haiti. Petro-Caribe corruption leading to increased fuel prices, costs of living, food and water shortages have made it near impossible for most Haitians to survive. As a result, people are rising up to spontaneously express their anger and frustrations. Among the chaos, the garment workers

Good News: Apaid to Negotiate

We recently put out a call, asking for folks to contact Haitian factory owner, Clifford Apaid who illegally fires and represses union members for exercising their legal rights throughout his multiple factories. In 2017 more than 400 workers were suspended from Premium Apparel for over 4 months. In 2017, 32 workers were fired from Inter-American

Action: Apaid - Rehire Workers!

2018/10/24 – Haitian garment workers, illegally fired for exercising their union rights, are asking for our support. Will you help by voicing their demands?     Every day, we dress ourselves in the products of exploitation. Meanwhile, the workers who produce these goods are struggling for basic rights. Let’s pressure Haitian factory owner, Clifford Apaid,

May Day Report Back!

Thanks so much to everyone who lent their support to Batay Ouvriye (BO) and the Haitian workers movement this May Day! Together, we raised a total of $1,481! That’s $181 more than our original goal of $1,300. Thank you so much! We want to share a thank you letter from BO and a report back

$1,300 for Haitian May Day!

May 1st is May Day – International Workers’ Day! This day began as a commemoration of Chicago workers’ fight for the 8 hour work day and the right to organize. In Haiti, workers are still battling for these essential rights. Haitian garment workers receive the lowest wage in the western hemisphere – 350 Gourdes, or

$1,590 Raised for Garment Workers! Thank You!

Happy 2018! Thank you so much to all who ended the year with a contribution to support Haitian garment workers! We raised $1,591.96 for workers in Port Au Prince and Carrefour! This money was directly wired to Haiti and Batay Ouvriye to be disbursed to a group of workers from four factories. They have been unable

Year End Goal: $2,000 to Fight Exploitation!

Just $530 Left to Raise Before Midnight! We can do this. CLICK HERE TO DONATE <3 Illegally Fired Workers Face Hunger & Homelessness From May to July, 2017, SOTA-BO textile union led garment workers across Haiti in monumental mobilizations for an increased minimum wage. In the wake of these efforts, many of these union members were arbitrarily

Caracol: Fighting Wage Theft. Punch In & Clock Out.

Monday, December 4, 2017 – Garment workers at SNH Global, SA factory in the Caracol Industrial Park confronted a supervisor named Jose for not paying them their wages. SNH Global is a subsidiary of Sae-A Trading Co. Ltd, Sae-A, a global clothing manufacturer headquartered in South Korea. Sae-A is also the anchor tenant of the Caracol

SOTA-BO Celebrates 6 Years!

September 15, 2017 marked the sixth anniversary of SOTA-BO – an independent textile union, based in Port Au Prince, Haiti and affiliated with the Batay Ouvriye (Workers Fight) movement! Since their start in 2011, the union has grown in numbers and strength! Workers with this union were instrumental in leading the country-wide, three month fight for

Port Au Prince: More Workers Get Organized

Thanks for your patience as we catch up on bringing you news and updates of Haitian garment workers’ struggles after Hurricane Irma. Most people in south Florida now have power restored, but Internet is another story. September 2, 2017 – the RRN received news that workers at MGA Haiti, SA – a garment factory in Port