SOTA Strike Announced. Workers Re-hired!

Yesterday we made a call to support Batay Ouvriye in the wake of hurricane Matthew. The RRN understands the need for immediate relief and aid, but we also recognize the limits of these efforts. They are short term band-aids. We choose to support Batay Ouvriye because they are fighting to address the root causes of
In the wake of hurricane Matthew, please don’t give your money to The Red Cross, the Clinton Fund, or any other NGOs which exploit and profit from disasters in dominated countries. The RRN asks you to please support Batay Ouvriye – Workers’ Fight. Batay Ouvriye (BO) is an independent and autonomous workers’ movement fighting for
If you’ve participated in RRN campaigns, you know we’ve organized several of solidarity efforts in support textile workers who are members of SOTA-BO, aka Sendika Ouvriye Takstil ak Abiman. Most recently the RRN rallied solidarity for Telemarque Pierre & Felixone Clerger, who were fired from Premium Apparel for organizing a strike for a higher minimum
BIG thanks to everyone who’s participated in solidarity efforts to stand with Haitian union organizers who have been illegally fired! We have some updates on your recent efforts. H&H Textiles: For the last two weeks, RRN supporters emailed and took selfies to stand with H&H Textiles workers. Last Thursday, 8/4, management at H&H finally met with
H&H Textiles is feeling the pressure! Today at 1pm EST, SOTA-BO is meeting with H&H Textiles management to discuss the illegal firing of four SOTA union members. Ruth Joseph, Olga Miallard, Jean Louise Marie Ederse, & Lucitha Julessaint are all SOTA union members who were fired for organizing for their rights, for fighting against their
Port Au Prince, Haiti – Four garment workers and union organizers affiliated with Batay Ouvriye (Workers Fight) were unjustly fired from H&H Textiles factory in the Palmiers Free Zone, in the Carrefour subdivision of Port-au-Prince. H&H management is trying to intimidate and eliminate workers fighting for their rights to a decent wage and their right
Reposted from One Struggle “That country is poor.” Translation: Your country had bountiful natural resources until we beat the hell out of you and stole everything. “Their government is incompetent. They are unable to govern themselves.” Translation: We invaded you, killed a bunch of you and set the rest at each other’s throats, and installed a dictator who’s helping us steal everything.
The Rapid Response Network (RRN) offers prompt solidarity to workers’ struggles against exploitation and repression. We alert groups and individuals when workers call for support. The fights for decent wages and working conditions, plus the right to organize, are constantly met with severe punishment. We must not passively accept the presence of products on store