September 2017

SOTA-BO Celebrates 6 Years!

September 15, 2017 marked the sixth anniversary of SOTA-BO – an independent textile union, based in Port Au Prince, Haiti and affiliated with the Batay Ouvriye (Workers Fight) movement! Since their start in 2011, the union has grown in numbers and strength! Workers with this union were instrumental in leading the country-wide, three month fight for

Port Au Prince: More Workers Get Organized

Thanks for your patience as we catch up on bringing you news and updates of Haitian garment workers’ struggles after Hurricane Irma. Most people in south Florida now have power restored, but Internet is another story. September 2, 2017 – the RRN received news that workers at MGA Haiti, SA – a garment factory in Port

Ounaminthe: No Services? No Taxes!

In preparation for and in the wake of hurricane Irma, we’ve gotten behind in sharing updates with you. Here’s an important update from garment workers of in the north of Haiti, in the town of Ounaminthe, who continue their fight against an unjust wage tax. August 30 2017 – Garment workers took the streets to

Goal Met! Workers Rehired!

We’re a little behind on posting updates due to Hurricane Irma’s impact on south Florida. We’re waiting to hear back from our contacts about hurricane impacts to workers and organizations in the north, northwest and northeast of the country. Our thoughts are with those in the Caribbean and Florida who are still dealing with the